PE breathable tape


Specifications: according to customer requirements


Adhesive tape
[main structure]
Strip or sheet paste material, divided into elastic or inelastic, not directly contact with the wound. The paste is a good skin.
Scope of application
The utility model relates to an air permeable adhesive tape, which is used to provide adhesive force for wound dressing, bandages, etc..
1 breathable tape is usually applied to dry, clean, no chemical or grease on the skin (chemicals or grease will affect the adhesive tape).
2 tape flat on the paste, and make the skin properly, then the tape central to both sides with the fingers pressing tape, adhesive tape and ensure skin paste without tension.
3 adhesive tape should be at least 2~3 cm wide
Notes, warnings and tips
1 can not be directly applied to the wound.
2 no other contraindications.
1, customers bring their own brands and provide packaging materials, the rest provided by us (such as formula, product processing, etc.);
2, customers bring their own brands, packaging materials and product formulations, we provide raw materials and products processing;
3, we provide customers with a one-stop service from the registered brand to product processing;
4, our direct sales of high-quality products, the formula, the processing fee for each production; 
